The trailblazers for your cyber resilience 

Protect. Develop. Empower. 

We are here to guide your company toward a secure and sustainable future - comprehensively and with lasting impact. By leveraging modern development concepts, efficient methodologies, and unparalleled expertise, we focus on the one element that truly matters in cybersecurity: people. 

The world is challenging you: 

The quiet times are over for good

  • Global crises have become the norm, driving a surge in cyber attacks.  
  • Disruptive AI technologies are calling old business models and security concepts into question. 
  • New players in the geopolitical arena are destroying established orders and do not shy away from digital attacks. 
  • Governments are responding with a flood of regulations and burdening companies with even more bureaucracy.

Managers across all industries face these challenges and are seeking a breakthrough to drive innovation and make their business models cyber-secure .

»Only amateurs attack machines, professionals target people.«
Bruce Schneier

The solution:

Cybersecurity is the driver of innovation  

The answer to all these challenges lies in efficient cybersecurity. Only when you and your team are free from concerns about hackers, ransomware, and data theft can you focus on your core business and continue to grow. In a world full of new challenges, it’s essential to embrace innovation in cybersecurity as well. That's why we take a contemporary approach to seamlessly integrate security into your organization for maximum impact: 

We act as your co-preneurs

For successful consulting and sustainable realization of all security concepts, it is crucial that we become involved in the central control hub of your company. As temporary co-entrepreneurs we take a bird's-eye view with you and act as if your organization were our own. 

We say: Cybersecurity is a matter for top management

For liability reasons alone,  IT-Security should not be solely in the hands of the IT department – keyword NIS2. However, we go one step further: The greatest opportunity for a resilient organizational structure lies in the employees. Only when the entire workforce pulls together with conviction can comprehensive security be achieved. That's why, for us, cybersecurity starts at the executive level.

We have the specialists

Cybersecurity is too complex a field to be viewed solely from the perspective of IT professionals. That’s why our team includes specialists from a wide range of fields: To protect you, we combine experts from the civilian and military sectors with professionals from law enforcement as well as the IT and business sectors, tailored precisely to your needs. 

We work completely independently

We don’t have a sales agenda. We advise you comprehensively and unbiased - even if we have to address unpleasant truths. It is neither our goal to sell you a specific manufacturer's technology nor to steer you in a particular direction. Our focus is always on what is best for your organization. 
Lars Kroll

Future Fitness:

Das Handlungskonzept für Ihren Erfolg

Um Ihr Unternehmen dauerhaft resilient und zukunftssicher zu machen,
nutzen wir einen Beratungsansatz, der die wichtigsten Aspekte Ihrer
Organisation miteinander vernetzt:



Wir wappnen Ihr Unternehmen nachhaltig gegen Cyberattacken – insbesondere, indem wir Ihre Mitarbeitenden schulen und ihr Bewusstsein für Risiken und Chancen steigern.


Weiterhin unterstützen wir Sie im Aufbau aller für Ihre Sicherheit notwendigen  Strukturen. Dazu gehören etwa die Berufung eines Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) oder die Entwicklung wirksamer Sicherheitsverfahren.


Wir befähigen ihre Organisation, eigenständig Cyber-Risiken abschätzen zu können, die sich aus den geopolitischen Entwicklungen in einer multipolaren Welt entwickeln. Und passend zu reagiern zu können. Für Dynamik statt Entscheidungsblockaden.
Diese umfassende Kombination ermöglicht uns mit ihrem 360°-Blick eine deutlich effektivere Absicherung Ihres Unternehmens verglichen mit herkömmlichen Methoden. Wir nennen dieses Konzept Future Fitness.
Beratung Anfragen

Our approach: 

Protect. Develop. Empower. 

»Security is empowerment to create the future we aspire to.«
Vasu Jakkal

Your success: 
The Kroll effect 

Mastering complexity

Through systemic and holistic thinking, we develop an effective approach to securing your organization. 

Developing a resilient organization 

Together with you, we redefine your company’s cyber resilience and accompany all necessary steps across the dimensions of people, processes, technology, and culture. 

Minimizing liability risks 

A thorough analysis and sustainable measures protect your company from high liability risks and expensive damage claims. 

Planning ahead 

Based on cybersecurity, customer trust and AI adoption can be developed. We secure today for the success of tomorrow


Erfahren Sie mehr zu relevanten Bereichen der Cybersecurity

Strategieberatung NIS2-Richtlinien

Opportunities & risks: 

How are cybersecurity and AI connected? 

The dominant topic of recent years is undoubtedly Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Like all other tech innovations, AI can only fully realize its potential when built on the stable foundation of cybersecurity. Without robust security measures, it remains vulnerable to threats and even creates new attack vectors and gateways.

By prioritizing cyber security and integrating it with artificial intelligence, we create the necessary conditions to deploy AI securely and effectively within your organization. 

  • Cybersecurity is the foundation 
    Only on the basis of a secure infrastructure and within the framework of a resilient organization can products and services be reliably delivered. Trust is strengthened.

  • Trust is strengthened
    When you successfully address cyber risks and prevent cyberattacks from leading to outages or data breaches, the trust of your customers and partners in your company grows. 

  • AI innovation unfolds its impact 
    Based on the steadily growing trust, new AI-based innovations, offerings, and business areas emerge, without being hindered by cyber risks.

As part of our security and organizational consulting, we support you in strengthening this foundation, raising awareness among specialists and executives and guiding the secure implementation of AI tools.
Carsten Vogler

Success Storys:

Das sagen unsere Kunden

»Lars Kroll liefert Sicherheit ohne Nerdfaktor. Angemessen, pragmatisch, zielorientiert. Eine echte Bereicherung für jedes Projekt.«

Michael Hoos, CEO Centraya

»FPS stellt als große Wirtschaftskanzlei höchste Anforderungen an den Schutz der Daten der Mandanten, Partner und Mitarbeiter. Lars Kroll hat uns mit seinem Team bei der komplexen Auswahl und Einführung eines externen 24/7 Security Operation Centers sehr kompetent und zielorientiert beraten. Vielen Dank!.«

Dr. Christoph Süßenberger
Rechtsanwalt  bei FPS

    Our references 

    Keynote speakerengagements

      Security is relevant for every organization. 

      Let's talk and make your company cyber-resiliant 

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